Modification to the Classification - Salary Schedule, Reclassification, and Workforce Allocation Adjustment
Recommended Action
Approve a Resolution modifying the Classification - Salary Schedule to 1) add the classifications of Assistant to the City Manager, Chief Assistant City Attorney, Payroll Technician, Senior Finance Management Analyst, Fire Division Chief, and Retired-Annuitant Deputy Librarian; 2) add Administrative Fire Captain classification to the Salinas Firefighters (IAFF Local 1270) unit and remove from the Fire Supervisors Association (FSA) unit; 3) approve an internal salary adjustment to the Deputy Librarian; 4) approve the recommended reclassifications in the Finance Department, Fire Department, and Public Works Department; 5) add the Assistant to the City Manager position to the approved workforce for the Administration Department; and 6) approve six over hire Firefighter positions and one over hire Police Commander position.