Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/5/2023 4:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: SALINAS ROTUNDA
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Agenda (Spanish) Agenda (Spanish) Agenda (Spanish)  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ID#23-691 1  Administrative ReportBroadband Network Development Update   Not available Not available
ID#23-602 1  Public HearingSubstantial Amendments to United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Fiscal Year 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, and 2022-23 Annual Action Plans   Not available Not available
ID#23-674 1  Public Hearing2023-2031 Housing Element (General Plan Amendment 2023-002)   Not available Not available
ID#23-723 1  ResolutionCloster Park Improvement Project Schematic Design   Not available Not available
ID#23-714 1  OrdinanceRed Light Abatement Act Ordinance   Not available Not available
ID#23-699 1  OrdinanceCalifornia Senate Bill 329 (Dodd): City Council Compensation   Not available Not available
ID#23-710 1  Minute OrderMinutes   Not available Not available
ID#23-750 1  Minute OrderFinancial Claims   Not available Not available
ID#23-675 1  ResolutionCitywide Sidewalk Repair Project Phase II, CIP 9720   Not available Not available
ID#23-697 1  ResolutionMaster Service Agreements for On-Call Streetlight Maintenance Contractors   Not available Not available
ID#23-700 1  ResolutionMiracle Playsystems, Inc. Agreement for Playground Repairs   Not available Not available
ID#23-701 1  ResolutionConditional Funding Reservation Letter for Predevelopment Cost of the Proposed 100% Affordable Multifamily Housing Development at 467-479 E. Market Street   Not available Not available
ID#23-711 1  ResolutionAddendum No. 1 to the Jet West, Inc. Facility Lease Agreement at the Salinas Municipal Airport   Not available Not available
ID#23-713 1  ResolutionCadence Team Agreement Renewal   Not available Not available
ID#23-715 1  ResolutionSurplus Fire Vehicles and Equipment for Disposal   Not available Not available
ID#23-716 1  ResolutionFederal Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) Grant Equipment Purchases   Not available Not available
ID#23-717 1  Consent ItemMemorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the County of Monterey for the Mobile Crisis Services Pilot Program   Not available Not available
ID#23-718 1  ResolutionRainier Drive Neighborhood Traffic Calming Plan   Not available Not available
ID#23-719 1  ResolutionNogal Drive Neighborhood Traffic Calming Plan   Not available Not available
ID#23-724 1  ResolutionCity Hall First Floor Build Back, Project No. 8170   Not available Not available
ID#23-726 1  ResolutionClosed Circuit Television of Sanitary Sewer   Not available Not available
ID#23-727 1  ResolutionShotSpotter Gunfire Location, Alert and Analysis Service   Not available Not available
ID#23-728 1  Resolution2023 Justice Assistance Grant, MOU with the County of Monterey, and Lease of Flock LPR Cameras   Not available Not available
ID#23-729 1  ResolutionLease of License Plate Reader and PTZ Cameras from Flock Group, Inc.   Not available Not available
ID#23-732 1  ResolutionFunding Agreement with the Housing Authority of the County of Monterey for the United Way Housing Stabilization Program   Not available Not available
ID#23-746 1  ResolutionModification to the Classification - Salary Schedule   Not available Not available